Saturday, July 24, 2010

Digital drawings - WIP

Hello everyone!
How is your weekend? I'm very excited because tomorrow we're going to attend a baby shower! My very dear friend is going to have baby soon so we thought to arrange a baby shower :)

I feel lazy recently, not sure if the weather playing a big part or what... I don't feel like doing anything at all. Maybe because of my whole lower legs hurts like... -_- I gotta stop this laziness and have to get back to whatever I'm doing...its important! :) Ok, enough  of my rant, I'd like to share some sketches that I did while a go...oh well, maybe 3 months ago? Not so bad. wish to color it soon.

This suppose to be one of my "Alice in Wonderland" concept drawings but decided to draw simpler version of Alice. Well, after I saw the winner, I thought I should do this one instead of the other version. Hmm, maybe take more time next time?

Another one is like speed paint. Believe me, I didn't know what I was drawing and didn't like a bit BUT I did learn something from the class. At least now I know how to use markers ;]

I've been searching information on Anime Conventions and found out that Anime Expo is the largest Anime convention in the U.S.! Also this Comic-Con...and Boston Anime Expo. I've learned a lot from watching Youtube, pictures and these sites...Now I know more or less what shall I prepare for the show and it's NOT easy.

I need at least several dozen good drawings to make posters, cards...I was thinking to make some ACEO cards so I can sell it. Also some sketch books, color books...dojinshi might be a good idea but I need to learn the tool first.. ^___^
Well, I'm starting little by little, hopefully by the time I have enough to attend the show.
Take care guys~~

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kuroshitsuji II

I was at my usual web surfing and visited my Deviant Art web page found out a journal talking about one of my favorite manga book; Kuroshitsuji; The Black Butler.

I liked the drawing and the whole story about Sebastian and Ciel's weird relationship but I was shocked to find out that their relationship will be OVER! WHAT? I couldn't believe my eye, why????? D: They both make such attractive characters with lots of chemistry (not the one you're thinking...hahah).

As I read through the creator's blog found out that she was also sad to see Sebastian and Ciel separating but ensure us that the second part will be even more intriguing and Ciel won't come back this easy.

OK, I got it :( poor Ciel. So I found out the Anime series link (some people uploaded and translated the subtitle) and watched the last episode...I was very sad to see Ciel's soul got eaten b Sebastian. :(

  Kuroshitsuji II, uhm, how shall I say it... I can't say that I liked it because I only watched the first episode. Second, I really don't like the kid who replaced Ciel. This is one of a psychotic kid, who was tortured by some sicko. -_- Oh well... I must admit the second Kuroshitsuji was pretty good because you couldn't forget the psychotic kid :S

Let's this is going to lead...I'll looking forward to it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Drawing Contest-Robinhood

Hello everyone!
How was your Wednesday went? Mine went pretty crazy!
I was planning to do some exercise before I start vocalize and warm up, but it started to rain and my sister's little boi; Connor came to my room start to watch videos..LOL

Later I went out to make copies for my singing competition and went to my brother's office to scan it into PDF files. I must say I really liked his scanner. It's very portable and fast from Xerox...I'm thinking to get one because it's very convenient.

As I was scanning my pages, I wanted to put all my receipts in my purse and I realized my purse were GONE! Oh My GOD! I almost got a heart attack! Because not only my things will get lost but with my Mom's card!!! My whole body was shaking and my heart were bounding fast. I rant to parking lot trying to see if I left it in the car but NO. I tried to remember where was the last time I took out my purse then I remembered; OFFICEMAX! Luckily I called them, they got my purse....this is too exciting for me -_- my blood sugar just went POOF!

Anyway, everything went ok, I checked inside...PHEW.

Later I tried to attend Bobby Chiu's Live stream contest. He got at least 120 people in there...system crashed I couldn't vote nor do anything. It was sad, hopefully they can fix the problem soon :)

Later on I participated another small but fun contest. Today's title is: Robin hood.
I wanted to make a funny one rather than normal human figure, so I chose llama to be my Robin Hood. I didn't win but I got 2 votes...LOL I found art is very subjective, there is no such thing called "bad art", it depends on your taste. I was fun and intense, very good for me because I need to practice to draw as detail as possible in a short period of time :)

Well, tomorrow's topic is : "Meat eating plant" what do you think? I have something in mind :0
Anyone has PIXIV account? I really like to open one BUT I don't read Japanese...maybe I should ask my friend :D

See ya later~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Drawing Contest : Shut up & Draw

Today I had a lot of fun entering some fun contest it's called "Shut Up and Draw" hosted by Art Sketch Group.
Tonight's title is "Sea Gnome". First of all I want to participate this contest to train myself to show as much as I can, second is to socialize and network. We all know everything depends on how you network with people. If you are an expert of networking, most likely you'll be successful easily than those who don't really care about socializing nor networking.

This is a wonderful group + site. If you're into digital drawing, graphic design, you should go ahead register this site. After you become member ( it's free to become a member ) you can participate a lot of fun contest and some cool videos from many pros. I'm glad I did.

Ok, back to my cute creature Sea Gnome. I wanted to preserve his cuteness but also I want to change something to be more...uhm different. This is why I changed his hat from an ordinary red cone hat to fish hat, LOL. If you look closely, it's actually a real fish stuck on his head ^___^ I liked this creation very much :)

Well, since I didn't have full hour to draw this, I only spent less than 30mins or so...this is why not enough time to add any more details, BUT I had a lot of fun.
I couldn't find the "submission" bottom...what a bummer! I missed the submission by 2 mins..-_- Hopefully next time I can submit on time...hahaha.

Well, hope you guys enjoy my creation and hopefully to see you on ^_^

Monday, July 12, 2010


Hello everyone,

Here is one of my previous illustration " Midnight".
I was trying to draw something simple; maybe a face with a simple dark background, but I followed Mr. Liang Yue's advice; "If you don't have any concept, just continue with the flow, you might liked the end result. Follow your fingers..."
and I did... I must say it turned out not as bad as I thought.

I used this tool called "Pen Tool SAI" Is a very popular drawing application in Japan. Widely used among professional and amateur illustrators. I found this program has the smoothest line among other programs such as Painter or Photoshop. I often use this application in between Painters or just simply creating  illustrations from there.

Midnight is a practice drawing because at the time I was coloring I didn't have any idea about what kind of drawing I'm going to create. Unlike other illustrators they got layout, sketches and lines ready. @_o I guess I should learn from these experts because it's easier.

I'm thinking to start my portfolio. I've realized that I need to make bigger drawings. This was a problem for me, since I'm creating drawings digitally I had NO idea about the size. BUT, after saw many experienced artists, I got a rough idea what to create and how (thanks to Youtube).

:) Hopefully I can start drawing soon, I'll try my best... LOL after practice my songs I will *wink wink*

Thanks and see you soon~~

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hi everyone!
I'm uploading some of my doodles that I did while ago...I was taking self taught lessons and thought it will be fun to upload it to keep  you updated with my progress.

I have not yet finish whole learning courses, I felt that I need more time to retake it because there are SO much to learn from the DVD. The instructor is a famous Taiwan Corel Painter master: Lian Yue. He spent alsmot 4 years to make this instructional DVD and I'm really lucky to get a copy of it.

By the way, if you're into Painter, you might want to try the link that I posted on the right "Digital painting fundamentals with Corel Painter 11. I purchased this book through other bookstore, it comes with an exercise CD to let you get familiar with the tools. If you already familiar with Painter then this is not the book you want to purchase. remember, this is only for person don't know how to use Painter and wants to learn the basic.

Anyway, back to the DVD that I was talking about, I'll try to post all the lesson homework here when I finish it and hopefully you'll enjoy some of my creative work! Heheh :)

Well I gotta go to catch some sleep, by the way, here is a link from Youtube, I made it for my sister's birthday, hope you enjoy it :D   Mao Mao "Priceless" video gift

Thank you for reading my blog~~ ^^

Friday, July 9, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Finished this drawing for Disney movie "Alice in Wonderland" contest
from Deviant Art. I enjoyed a lot during creating this fun concept, it was sort of reflecting who I am in the drawing.

The heart shape paint were all over the mushrooms, I designed this girl with Mr. Burton's style ( I hope I did it correctly! >_< )
I really like this little girl, hopefully I have time to develop more with this character in the future :)

Even though the contest ended already, yup, I know all the finalists and winners. I realized one thing; draw what's your best and keep your own unique style! Do not constantly change style because you saw so and so did that. As long you enjoy it, it's going to be a great piece!

Here is another sketch I did for Splice movie contest. Well, tell you the truth, I really liked this hybrid girl but I didn't put more time in her... *cry* Maybe later I'll take this sketch out and finish her as my first Alien...hahaha.

Have a nice weekend guys! See you next time!