Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hi everyone!
I'm uploading some of my doodles that I did while ago...I was taking self taught lessons and thought it will be fun to upload it to keep  you updated with my progress.

I have not yet finish whole learning courses, I felt that I need more time to retake it because there are SO much to learn from the DVD. The instructor is a famous Taiwan Corel Painter master: Lian Yue. He spent alsmot 4 years to make this instructional DVD and I'm really lucky to get a copy of it.

By the way, if you're into Painter, you might want to try the link that I posted on the right "Digital painting fundamentals with Corel Painter 11. I purchased this book through other bookstore, it comes with an exercise CD to let you get familiar with the tools. If you already familiar with Painter then this is not the book you want to purchase. remember, this is only for person don't know how to use Painter and wants to learn the basic.

Anyway, back to the DVD that I was talking about, I'll try to post all the lesson homework here when I finish it and hopefully you'll enjoy some of my creative work! Heheh :)

Well I gotta go to catch some sleep, by the way, here is a link from Youtube, I made it for my sister's birthday, hope you enjoy it :D   Mao Mao "Priceless" video gift

Thank you for reading my blog~~ ^^

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