Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Praise God" Praise Team Tshirt Design

Digital Painting in PhotoshopJust finished a T-shirt design for our church's praise team. They asked me several months ago and I was honored to accept the job :D

I was very happy that I can use my talent to do something good for God and my church friends. I was sketching on my sketch book during Sunday service and got this image in my head, I tried to grab it before it's gone.

After I finished few sketches I showed to Praise team leaders Sandy and Rebecca, surprisingly they all liked it! It was the quickest approval I ever got! :D I'm glad that they accept the idea being "cute" for T-shirt design.

After got approval from the team I began to work on digital inking. I was quiet fun creating this sheep. It's Awassi sheep, a typical sheep in Israel. I didn't want to draw an ordinary sheep like everybody else, so I drew Awassi sheep, with cute curly hair. :D

Then I created a little chubby boy singing. He's actually King David, can you tell? LOL. Anyway, I made a staff for him also a modern t-shirt with a music note on it emphasis that he loves music.

On top of the Chinese words are "Praise Him", on the bottom is the bible verse from Psalm 96:1 "Sing new songs to the Lord...." ^^ I even picked the verse! I really liked it and I thank God to give me this privilege to design something useful!!

The printing company love my drawing, I'm surprised too! @_@ Never thought this many people liked my drawings....usually people don't say anything about my drawings...(-__-) Yeah I know. But!!! I'm happy.

I hope you like it too. If you are also designer/artist who designed for your church, drop me a note I like to know you! :)

P.S. Sorry for the water mark...this picture belongs to my church... so I gotta put a mark on it to protect their property. >_<

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