Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cipher digital painting

Hi everyone!

I was going through my blog articles and saw Cipher -WIP and I sort of forgot to post the finished drawing on here >_< I'm SO sorry! LOL, I don't remember it at all! @_@

Ok, as I promised I'm uploading Cipher in here :D I hope you don't mind this
I've been busy doing other things, designing banners for our church and design shirts for
our Praise team. They told me that many people loved it! Also Coral Spring Church's Music Minister also liked my "Boy & sheep" design, she said she's going to order for her team. WOW! I'm really happy that they liked my design.

I was worried that I might not do a good job BUT, thank to God it turned out alright ^^ That gave me ideas to make T-shirt designs when I come back from my trip.

I will start to design T-shirts and some custom made stuffs with my Mom, stay tune for my announcement for our online shop ;P Hopefully this design thing will lead us into something more wonderful!

I might be able to update till July, before my next update I want to wish everyone a great summer and keep drawing!

Love your life and be happy, never, never give up!

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