Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Praise God T-shirt!

Hi guys!
Just want to share the new with you guys, I got the T-shirt few days ago it was pretty!
Picture is very crisp and proportion is just perfect! I was worried that picture might looked smaller on the actual Tshirt but it turned out just right!, YAY!

I didn't have the polo shirt but this Sunday I'll get it, I'll post it on here with both pictures. I think Blogger has some problem, it won't let me post any pictures, it said "Server rejected", not sure why but I'll try it again on this Sunday. :)

OMG, I just uploaded a picture! This is great!
Ok, another closeup of the t-shirt!

:) Picture is nice, specially the sheep, SO cute! I know that our English Praise Team didn't like this shirt, according to what they said " it's too cute!" I guess since they are all guys... they don't want cute stuff on them... LOL

This Sunday I will receive the other shirt, since we changed the shirt color so it will be gray and black logo. My sister was asking me how come I didn't design black shirt and white logo? O_O yeah, heheh, I never thought of it! I wanted to give some color to the team I didn't think "black" is a god choice. Anyway, I'll update you on Sunday. Please take care!