Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chibi Princess SAI and sheepy doodles

I'm currently working on several illustration for my Facebook and Deviant Art pages. I was SO inspired by this girl on Deviant art who draws a sheep to tell bible stories.

At first, I was enjoying reading this one page comic and didn't realize that at the end of the story there was a bible verse posted! I thought it was a such nice idea, so I was gonna try.

It took me like several weeks and nothing came out. Why? Because I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DRAW! @_@ I thought it's easy but actually it's pretty hard to start!

I started to doodle...hoping by doodling I can come up with some ideas. Later I revisit the site and saw her Diary...she "PRAY" about the story... OHHHHHHHH no wonder! Haha, I should do the same. SO, I'm prayed about the story or song that God wanted me to draw >_< So far, I got a song " I need Thee every hour" ^^ I'm pretty sure this is the song BUT what to draw? (-_0) How can I draw a song?

Anyway, I just doodle till my brain tells me "THIS IS IT!" LOL. Well, we gonna see. Once I finished for sure I'll post on here (*_0) Until then...

I'm almost finished sketching the sheep & the shepherd, I wanted to create this drawing with a bit of oil painting feel in it...but I don't want to make too realistic since the sheep has very cartoonish face..haha.

These 3 drawings have three different styles... SO hard to decide what to draw!!!! Arrh... -__-
Shall continue tomorrow...thanks for reading! Have a greeeeeat Saturday!

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