Friday, May 6, 2011

Speed paint- with Painter 11

Today I'm in playing mode! :) Didn't want to draw anything specific but do want to draw something silly. I ordered a guide book from Taiwan, too bad that you can't find it in U.S. This great artist is one of the Painter Master! He's SO amazing!

I do this jaw dropping movement throughout the DVD and couldn't take my eyes off his painting! I was following one of the example that he used to draw a robot.

Can you tell? hehe, my robot is too feminine... using too much "soft" colors BUT i must say that I do enjoy creating this drawing and looking forward to learn more from this painter master :)

There are So many tools, brushes in Painter 11, endless possibility! One day I hope/wish that I can draw like him.
Here is his Youtube channel if you're interested to find out more about this artist from Taiwan :)
Liang Yue  Enjoy his art and be prepared to drop your jaw :D

Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone!

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