Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Digital Painting - iTouchU- WIP

Yeah, I'm working very slow... :S
I've been busy with my other project and couldn't even finish painting this drawing :S Maybe I'll have a little bit of time tomorrow evening when I come home from my job to finish this painting.

So far, I really liked the color combination, this is something that I NEVER done before :D I really liked the brownish background and the whole combination, hopefully it will turn out a good drawing :)

Ah, I got to finish "feather girl" digital painting as well... hmm, maybe later this week or next week.
I'm still thinking to make a simple tutorial for drawing hair...also maybe to make a test video tutorial about drawing should be fun, BUT BUT BUT, before I do that, I need to get my new computer first.

I can't wait to receive my new computer from Dell, YAY~~ hopefully it's a good reliable computer so I can concentrate on editing for my photos, videos and digital drawings. :D

Well, here I'm uploading a WIP of my digital drawing of "iTouchU", hopefully I can upload the finish drawings soon :) What do you think if I make as Valentine's card? Will anyone buy it?

Well, let me know by sending your comment to this blog, thank you SO much!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Feather girl

Just finished this outline of "feather girl". I think this is the most detailed drawing I ever done in  the longest time since I was in Commercial Art major xD

I really liked the fact that I let my hands to create pictures rather than think of if first. It's the most fun and creative things that I'm experiencing, woohoo! LOL!

I'm still wanna try to finish iTouchU first then start to color this one. I think I'm going to upload this drawings to my Deviant Art page and let other users to color it, it should be fun tho! As matter of fact, I'll be thrilled to see someone actually colored or "fan art" my drawings, it will mean SO much to me. :)

I finally got Mao Mao's family today, I'm SO HAPPY about it. I got at least 14 of them? They are SO cute and each one of them looked differently; with personality, oh yeah ;)

I'll be working on website and take cute pictures soon... stay tune in
This is the brand new website that I'm going to luanch ;) Stay tuned and give me some suggestion of which color I should use?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Just finished a sketch tonight, I didn't have time to color it but thought it's a good idea to post this in the blog.
I tried a new style this time, I think I like it very much! I just need to work on girl face now @_@ I wanted to draw cute girls, instead of "pretty" girls O__O I think this will be a challenge for me :)

I really liked the concept of two people "almost" kissing...I like this pose very much! Heheheh.
Just hope tomorrow I won't ruin the whole composition...oh geesh -_-.

I'm still thinking; should I post this sketch to Deviant art page? I'm not sure but I guess I'll do it tomorrow then. It's way too late to post it anyway (specially on school day xD).

Well, Hopefully this will be my future post card series. :) LOVE series... for Valentine's day.. wow, is near isn't it? <3 <3

Hopefully I have time to make enough and get ready for it :)
Untill I finish this drawing, enjoy it :) If you want to color it, you're welcome to download it but remember to link me back so I can enjoy your nice coloring too! :)


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cipher- WIP

This is Cipher [sai-fer].

This is another digital drawing that I'm working on this evening, I pretty much liked the BG color, skin tone and most of all, I want to finish this drawing so bad! :) Unfortunately I have to sleep (It's 2am already!), hopefully tomorrow I can finish drawing his hair and all other details and make it more finished.

I was wondering about other artists digital drawings, how they added texture and other things...hmm, I think I got to find out how. I know there is a free online site which you can download textures but not sure how to apply it to my drawings. D:

I always have hard time to think of a title. I don't know why....I just draw and draw...
Whenever I have to upload my digital drawings to Deviant Art site, I had to stop and try to find a title for my drawings, geesh it is SO HARD....can I put: Drawing # 1, drawing #2...etc? :(

Oh well, there is a lot to learn and first I gotta to improve to draw more detailed stuffs and improve my background. I think I'm trying my best to improve it. :) Hopefully I can get better each time I draw :D

Ok, good night everyone....when you have chance, please visit my gallery and my Deviant Art website :)