Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Digital Painting - iTouchU- WIP

Yeah, I'm working very slow... :S
I've been busy with my other project and couldn't even finish painting this drawing :S Maybe I'll have a little bit of time tomorrow evening when I come home from my job to finish this painting.

So far, I really liked the color combination, this is something that I NEVER done before :D I really liked the brownish background and the whole combination, hopefully it will turn out a good drawing :)

Ah, I got to finish "feather girl" digital painting as well... hmm, maybe later this week or next week.
I'm still thinking to make a simple tutorial for drawing hair...also maybe to make a test video tutorial about drawing should be fun, BUT BUT BUT, before I do that, I need to get my new computer first.

I can't wait to receive my new computer from Dell, YAY~~ hopefully it's a good reliable computer so I can concentrate on editing for my photos, videos and digital drawings. :D

Well, here I'm uploading a WIP of my digital drawing of "iTouchU", hopefully I can upload the finish drawings soon :) What do you think if I make as Valentine's card? Will anyone buy it?

Well, let me know by sending your comment to this blog, thank you SO much!