Saturday, January 9, 2010

Feather girl

Just finished this outline of "feather girl". I think this is the most detailed drawing I ever done in  the longest time since I was in Commercial Art major xD

I really liked the fact that I let my hands to create pictures rather than think of if first. It's the most fun and creative things that I'm experiencing, woohoo! LOL!

I'm still wanna try to finish iTouchU first then start to color this one. I think I'm going to upload this drawings to my Deviant Art page and let other users to color it, it should be fun tho! As matter of fact, I'll be thrilled to see someone actually colored or "fan art" my drawings, it will mean SO much to me. :)

I finally got Mao Mao's family today, I'm SO HAPPY about it. I got at least 14 of them? They are SO cute and each one of them looked differently; with personality, oh yeah ;)

I'll be working on website and take cute pictures soon... stay tune in
This is the brand new website that I'm going to luanch ;) Stay tuned and give me some suggestion of which color I should use?

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