Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Photmanipulation print giveaway! Freebie!

I'm giving out 2 5x8 Mao Mao Fur Knight photomanipulation photo print to first 2 reader who comment on this article.

Yup, I ordered prints from my gallery in Deviant Art and wanted to make a nice gift for my subscribers and readers, SO if you liked my previous post about photomanipulation and want a copy print of my work, just leave a short comment in here then I'll contact you and mail the print to you.

I wanted to do this for long know arrange competition, prize giveaway...etc but I NEVER got a chance to do that, finally I can do it. This will be the first one and hopefully many many giveaway will be arranged in the future.

In the meantime I'd like to ask you to subscribe my blog or follow me in blogger. this will boost my confident and wanting to write  and draw more good stuff on it. :D

Looked very big but actually it's about 5x8.

Just want to give you guys an update  about my online store. I got the name already and everything else except MERCHANDISE! Oh my GOODNESS! I'm running around without my head to get the merchandise that I want. One of the supplier that I was interested to purchase items seems not that interested so I had to find other suppliers who are INTERESTED.

Another supplier in UK just took my money and telling me to wait for the merchandise, it's been 2 months already and I don't have my merchandise.  =_= Talking about we have it all.

I'm also designing some stuff, so when I have it ready it should look really good. Hopefully the store will open at the end of this year or Next year, I'm aiming at Valentine's Day :D

Hopefully people will like my design <3 <3

Talk to you guys later and have a wonderful Wednesday~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HIHI!! I love mao mao very much!