Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photomanipulation: Sir Mao the Fur Knight

Hellllooooo guys how are you all doing?

Thank God that Irene didn't come to Florida BUT I felt sad for all other States who got hit by Hurricane Irene. :( I really hope people are all okay there, my prayers to you all~

Never lose courage nor faith, you know that Mao Mao the Fur Knight from Kingdom of Charm will protect your heart from evil!

This is the FIRST ever photomanipulation that I ever done! I followed an online tutorial because I SO wanted to learn how to do this, and the ONLY way to learn is to DO IT BY YOURSELF! So, I found a very good website: http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/design/photo-manipulation-tutorials/ which offers plenty of tutorials on photomanipulation. I'm going to start my 2nd assignment and hopefully I'll finish by Sunday and WILL share with you guys <3 <3

You can download this full version on my art page: Marlinx Deviant Art page 

What do you guys think? I hope you liked it. I still can see little flaws here and there BUT I am very happy that I finished something and created some wonderful work for Mao Mao. He does looked real right? :D

I had to do some adjustment on the horse, because there was a "knight" sitting on the horse...LOL I had to "erase" the knight SPECIALLY his leg! Remember Mao Mao don't have a leg >_<

Also I adjusted brightness and contrast... I didn't like the light blue in the tutorial SO, I made it darker to have some dark feeling...yup, Mao Mao is GOING TO KILLS THE EVIL DRAGON! xD

I'm thinking my next project...hmm, I think I'm going to make an old attic with some antique toys and of course Mao Mao will be playing toys...with lights and smokes ( shall I say dust? O_O ). Wooo... I ca't wait to start now!

Ok, there is something that I need to spit out! I can't hold it any longer! ARRRRHHHH!
What is it????????? I'm going to have my own online store! *phew* I said it! xD

I'm still setting up websites and merchandises, when I the store is finally ready I'll let you know and PLEASEEEEE buy something from my store..LOL ^^ Joking! You don't have to buy unless you want to :P

Ok guys, thank you for reading my blog...when have time please visit my other blog :Cute mao mao
Have a great Wednesday <3

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Magic Inspired Watercolor Painting

Hi Guys long time no see!!! Yes I'm still around just being very busy lately.

Today, I want to share a very nice traditional watercolor painting by one of my friend on Deviant Art. I've posted a cosplay picture called "Magic" and this picture inspired him to paint the picture.

I really liked the way he compose the whole picture. If you visit my gallery (Marlinx Deviant Art page) you'll see the original character was lying on the floor holding a card and looking towards the camera. Instead drawing something similar, he drew a larger face and half body, you actually can see the expression from the character and it looked very interesting.


a_good_deal__by_akiyochi-d45rc93 magical_by_marlinx-d41rvts

I am SO glad that he made this picture! I really liked it, specially with the little tear/diamond under her eye, simply BEAUTIFUL! <3 <3

I’m glad that my picture can be inspirational, I never know a simple picture can do this much! Hopefully I’ll create or have more “good” pictures to get people inspired OR can feel what I felt, see what I’m seeing. Challenging right? LOL, yeah I know but this is something that I want to go for it.

I’m also looking into “Cinematography” at the moment. I’m amazed by these short films have “cinema” feels…I really want to make something like that! Maybe in the future :)

Well, I gotta go sleep now.. I’m DEAD tired –_- . If you liked my blog or drawing OR anything, do not be stingy about sharing your words/comments with me ok? :) I love to make friends~~~~ Nite guys have a great Sunday!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Amazing Kitty Charm here, LOOK!

Heyyyyyyyyy! I want to show you these wonderful kitty charms that I got from my trip in Taiwan. These are SO cute and colorful. I love all three colors, hehe it makes me really cheerful to see these colors!! They are JUST RIGHT for your purse, mobile phone or just simply carrying around using a hook and hook on your pants. These charms are not little, they are about a foot long (girlsssss, of course!)…like maybe 6-7 inches at the top. The fabric is very soft and smooth, possibly cotton with polyester? Sorry that I really don’t know how to describeon this but it is very smooth.

I right now ONLY have 3 kitty charms and I am not going to get anymore so if you want it please let me know :) If you are a cat lover, you should get one of these, it’s delightful! I swear you that you won’t find it anywhere. I even only saw few of these in one location and didn’t see it anywhere else. :)
If you know someone loves cat, you should get it for him/her as gift or keep one for yourself! This will bring their smiles on their faces! :D

Like I mentioned earlier, each items that I have in my online store are in limited quantities. I only bring small quantity items and these are handpicked items, they are very unique I, personally liked it very much. I won’t sell anything that I don’t like :P

Okie, these kitty charms are $12.00 each, Plus $3.00 shipping & handling.

You said WHAT? why $3.00 shipping & Handling? Well, I have to pack the item and personally and BUY packing board at the Postal Office, these boxes costs a lot of green ( you can see how much it cost on the back of the box ). I do not make any money on shipping.

SO if you’re thinking, please comment me with your Paypal email address and what color you want on my sir mao mao site.

Thank you very muc for reading my article! <3