Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Praise God T-shirt!

Hi guys!
Just want to share the new with you guys, I got the T-shirt few days ago it was pretty!
Picture is very crisp and proportion is just perfect! I was worried that picture might looked smaller on the actual Tshirt but it turned out just right!, YAY!

I didn't have the polo shirt but this Sunday I'll get it, I'll post it on here with both pictures. I think Blogger has some problem, it won't let me post any pictures, it said "Server rejected", not sure why but I'll try it again on this Sunday. :)

OMG, I just uploaded a picture! This is great!
Ok, another closeup of the t-shirt!

:) Picture is nice, specially the sheep, SO cute! I know that our English Praise Team didn't like this shirt, according to what they said " it's too cute!" I guess since they are all guys... they don't want cute stuff on them... LOL

This Sunday I will receive the other shirt, since we changed the shirt color so it will be gray and black logo. My sister was asking me how come I didn't design black shirt and white logo? O_O yeah, heheh, I never thought of it! I wanted to give some color to the team I didn't think "black" is a god choice. Anyway, I'll update you on Sunday. Please take care!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chibi Princess SAI and sheepy doodles

I'm currently working on several illustration for my Facebook and Deviant Art pages. I was SO inspired by this girl on Deviant art who draws a sheep to tell bible stories.

At first, I was enjoying reading this one page comic and didn't realize that at the end of the story there was a bible verse posted! I thought it was a such nice idea, so I was gonna try.

It took me like several weeks and nothing came out. Why? Because I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DRAW! @_@ I thought it's easy but actually it's pretty hard to start!

I started to doodle...hoping by doodling I can come up with some ideas. Later I revisit the site and saw her Diary...she "PRAY" about the story... OHHHHHHHH no wonder! Haha, I should do the same. SO, I'm prayed about the story or song that God wanted me to draw >_< So far, I got a song " I need Thee every hour" ^^ I'm pretty sure this is the song BUT what to draw? (-_0) How can I draw a song?

Anyway, I just doodle till my brain tells me "THIS IS IT!" LOL. Well, we gonna see. Once I finished for sure I'll post on here (*_0) Until then...

I'm almost finished sketching the sheep & the shepherd, I wanted to create this drawing with a bit of oil painting feel in it...but I don't want to make too realistic since the sheep has very cartoonish face..haha.

These 3 drawings have three different styles... SO hard to decide what to draw!!!! Arrh... -__-
Shall continue tomorrow...thanks for reading! Have a greeeeeat Saturday!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Speed paint- with Painter 11

Today I'm in playing mode! :) Didn't want to draw anything specific but do want to draw something silly. I ordered a guide book from Taiwan, too bad that you can't find it in U.S. This great artist is one of the Painter Master! He's SO amazing!

I do this jaw dropping movement throughout the DVD and couldn't take my eyes off his painting! I was following one of the example that he used to draw a robot.

Can you tell? hehe, my robot is too feminine... using too much "soft" colors BUT i must say that I do enjoy creating this drawing and looking forward to learn more from this painter master :)

There are So many tools, brushes in Painter 11, endless possibility! One day I hope/wish that I can draw like him.
Here is his Youtube channel if you're interested to find out more about this artist from Taiwan :)
Liang Yue  Enjoy his art and be prepared to drop your jaw :D

Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Praise Team Logo Design

Another design for my church's praise team, this time is to be printed on polo shirt. This shirt will be wearing for more formal occasion such as Evangelical Meetings or church retreat. I know that praise team leaders are planning to wear this in the upcoming 2011 retreat this year!

I'm very excited that they are going to wear my design and walking around the campus :D Its almost like dream ~~~~ People wearing my design shirt!

I was thinking that I should design some unique shirt...maybe for personal indulgence ;P what do you think? I have something in mind but I need to actually do it >_< Hopefully this will be my next project! If you have any good idea, let me know please!

For those of new visitors, I have an art page in Deviant Art, if you liked my drawings please visit there and leave comments. Constructive and kind comments are welcome! ^^

Well, here is the polo shirt design, note that pictures rights belongs to CBCM & myself.
I'm also accepting projects and jobs; logo design, t-shirt design, concept character design and illustration <3

Thank you for reading, have a great day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Praise God" Praise Team Tshirt Design

Digital Painting in PhotoshopJust finished a T-shirt design for our church's praise team. They asked me several months ago and I was honored to accept the job :D

I was very happy that I can use my talent to do something good for God and my church friends. I was sketching on my sketch book during Sunday service and got this image in my head, I tried to grab it before it's gone.

After I finished few sketches I showed to Praise team leaders Sandy and Rebecca, surprisingly they all liked it! It was the quickest approval I ever got! :D I'm glad that they accept the idea being "cute" for T-shirt design.

After got approval from the team I began to work on digital inking. I was quiet fun creating this sheep. It's Awassi sheep, a typical sheep in Israel. I didn't want to draw an ordinary sheep like everybody else, so I drew Awassi sheep, with cute curly hair. :D

Then I created a little chubby boy singing. He's actually King David, can you tell? LOL. Anyway, I made a staff for him also a modern t-shirt with a music note on it emphasis that he loves music.

On top of the Chinese words are "Praise Him", on the bottom is the bible verse from Psalm 96:1 "Sing new songs to the Lord...." ^^ I even picked the verse! I really liked it and I thank God to give me this privilege to design something useful!!

The printing company love my drawing, I'm surprised too! @_@ Never thought this many people liked my drawings....usually people don't say anything about my drawings...(-__-) Yeah I know. But!!! I'm happy.

I hope you like it too. If you are also designer/artist who designed for your church, drop me a note I like to know you! :)

P.S. Sorry for the water mark...this picture belongs to my church... so I gotta put a mark on it to protect their property. >_<