Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Doodle with DeviantMuro!

Recently DeviantArt luanched a new online program called Muro. It's like online drawing application but you can set different layers and use diferrent brushes to draw picture, then you can publish it into your art gallery.

I was trying out and having fun with it...I found it's very interesting and fun to use, despite that the program isn't responding to my pen tablet very well...they might have to improve that over time.
Other than that, it's a fun program to use and I really enjoy it.

If you're interesting to find out more, you may join Deviant Art and create an account, it's free :) then you can use the program!

Awww. I really liked the cat ^_^ MEOW!!!
Marlinx Art Page
Mao Mao pet

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vector design

Hello guys!
How was your Monday treating you? Mine was pretty busy even today!
Well, today I'll be sharing one of my first ever vector creation; Panda head!

I was following up with a very useful tutorial on internet and I thought it's very cute to try it out. I must tell you, it's kinda hard to figure where and what to use, but after my first creation I must say that I've learned A LOT and now I'm more comfortable to get familiar with illustrator.

It is very useful and powerful program, and I recommend all of you vector lovers LEARN it!!! :)
Hopefully one day I'll be able to create many cute arts with illustrator ^___^
Well, enjoy my panda and visit my art page in Deviant Art : MarlinX Art Page

BYE~~~ ^___^

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pink Sweetie Commission OPEN!

Recently I wanted to learn new style of drawing. Well, NOT that new...it's be IN for a while but I never had a chance to learn it. It's Anime style of CG. Have been searching everywhere and didn't find anything really helpful to my problems/questions.

Well, I found a lot of useful tutorials in Deviant Art website and from there, I got a lot of help! Thank you Deviant art and talented artists! :D

This is my character Pink Sweetie :) She's SO pink and SO sweet, you almost can smell her from miles away! I'm planning to draw whole series of Loli Chibi collection to sell. Hopefully I'll make my first sale soon! 

You are more than welcome to  visit my Deviant Art page and leave comment if you like.

I'm open for commission at the moment. Chibi Commission:

* 1 Character: $8.00
* Additional Chars(up to 4 chars) $5.00

* 1 Character: $10.00
* Additional Chars (up to 4 chars) $5.00

Will you commission me? :D I accept Paypal only, so please note me if you're interested!
I'll try to put on Ebay from time to time...or you can visit my page later.

I'm going to Anime Expo in Orlando tomorrow, WOOOHOOO!!! I'm excited BUT, I gotta drive 4 hours to get there...arhhh... -_- I do it for the love of Anime!!!

Take care!