Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Gift from me

Hello guys, this is something that I finished for my Birthday gift! Yes, I draw to me! :)
Since I got declined from an Anime club, I felt discouraged drawing...I couldn't believe that my drawing was identified as "unfinished" or "rushed" or even " you could submit something better" while other ugly drawings was posted in the club gallery.

I felt that there is unfairness and favortism going on in the club. What kind of standard they are running? Maybe I shouldn't or needless to join a club like that in the first place...hmm... maybe I should leave the club, yeah I think I'm going to do that! D:

Here is the drawing that I finished today, It was so easy to draw and in order to prove that I'm as good as them... here it is my anime/manga style of drawing, hope you like it.

Oh well, life goes on, I shall continue to draw and improve AND ignore those people who don't know about styles. LOL.. have a great one guys.

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