Friday, November 27, 2009


This is something I'm working on.. hopefully I can finish this drawing tonight. I must say I like it very much :)

I need to submit this before the end of this month and I hope I can get good response about this drawing.
Spent about 10+hrs in painter and hopefully it will give me a good review ^_^

Enjoy this WIP.. :P
Make sure to check out my Deviant Art gallery; My gallery

Happy Thanksgiving~

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mao Mao cute stamp

I made a stamp for Mao Mao and I liked it very much! Yay ^_^

Oh my, one more day for Thanksgiving! Do you have anyone to thank for? Remember to say "Thank you!" to your parents and family! :)

As for me, I'm going to spend Thanksgiving dinner with my family & friends at my sister's house :) Hopefully my brother can join us....since I found out that Thomas (his dog) had surgery yesterday and is weak.
For Black FRIDAY? HAHAHAHA yup! I'm going to shop! Well, I'm happy just to go to the Mall even I don't buy anything :P

I'm planning to enter Wacom&Deviant Art contest this year, I just got my concept and very excite to put it on paper, hopefully I can do a good job drawing it.....>_<

I really like Maturi Hino...she's SO talented and I love her style! I think I'm going to draw a lot of fan art about her characters....omg I can't stop thinking about how good she draws <3

Take care everyone :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Free Sketch Project

These are some of my free sketches that I did in Deviant Art.

Starring - Digital painting

Just finished this painting tonight!
I liked it very much even I can tell little mistakes here and there BUT I must say it was good realism drawing that I've done! Definitely better! :) Mom liked a lot too! She wanted it to be on her dress, I was like WOW!

Best of all, she gave me kisssssss ^_____^ Hahahahah! I feel SO LUCKY!
Hope you enjoy this drawing.....

Visit my site:
Please don't copy/use this without my permission! Thanks

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love- Digital Painting

Loved by Angel
This is something that I wanted to draw, but at the end I changed the color. My original idea was to create something with pastel...with texture with heavy paint feeling, but it is okay I'm happy the way it finished. :)
I forgot to draw a cross, originally wanted to draw a cross on one of the balloon but I forgot -_- Que memoria!

This drawing is kinda echoing with what I drew for our pastor, I wanted to draw something related with religion but without drawing too seriously.
Maybe I should draw some pictures sheeps with little babies :) Yeah, I gotta to finish some free sketches and a contest "military bootcamp!" hahah, I do have something juicy in mind but needed time to draw it ^_^

I felt I'm more liberated in painting than before, now I wanted to draw something that I'd NEVER wanted which is GOOD :)

I pray God will continue to lead me... I know I got a lot practice to do and thank God for my family are behind me supporting me... thank you!