Friday, June 11, 2010

Fantasy Earth Zero Contest

This is the concept that I got for character design for Fantasy Earth Zero.
Even though I have not yet played this MMRP but I felt it should be a pretty cool game, hopefully I'll get chosen become one of the finalist!

It will be a lot of fun just creating new characters also making trading cards! Yeah, one of my goal is to make trading cards for online games! It will be very cool!

I have decided not to attend any anime convention this year, but I'll start next year! I got to prepare a good portfolio, products to sell such as post cards, calendars,  posters...etc. :) I'll try to attend Anime Expo in Orlando this Aug. Anyone going? Give me a buzz!

I shall finish this drawing by tomorrow, hopefully I'll get enough time to finish it, since  I have to work, Doctor appointment + BBQ party at night *sigh* too many things too little time! Tomorrow is my nephew's graduation party, I got to wake up early and dress pretty...yay!! ^_^

Well, if you liked my art, please leave any comment to encourage me to do better OR become my watcher in here or in Deviant Art! By doing this, will encourage me...and I know somewhere out there...there is someone likes my drawings ;) Thank you so much for viewing my blog, hope you come back soon!

Have a great Friday, OMG it's weekend :) oh yeah, have a great weekend guys~ <3 <3

Hope you liked it :) BYE!!!!