Saturday, May 29, 2010

Digital Art Studio

It's almost set! Yeah, I finally want to open my own's bit a scary because I don't know a lot of art field and there are SO many things that I need to learn! I want to be a freelance artist and need all the support that I can get from you~

I'm currently accepting commissions and jobs. Manga is my strong field 2nd graphic design. Hopefully I can design your logo soon ;)

Just finished a contest from Deviant Art for Splice movie. At last minuet I've decided to go with "cute & comic" because I feel the theme is already kind of scary and bloody. I've created this creature called "Deerwabbit" He's a mix of deer & rabbit genes and he's running away from scientist with his needle!

I'm not looking nor hoping to get to finalist but it's a good practice and I really enjoyed a lot, hopefully I can get better and better each time I enter these contest. It will be NICE if I can win some cash, since I need to make some money for the long run >_<

LOL, I think I like this little creature very much, do you like him too? LOL, he's very cute!

I promise I'll write more often and if you liked my work please please leave your comment, or follow me ^_^ I really appreciated your support! Hopefully hear you soon.

Please kindly check my other work on my Deviant Art page:

Thanks~~ and have a great Memorial weekend for those of you in U.S. <3 <3.

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