Saturday, May 29, 2010

Digital Art Studio

It's almost set! Yeah, I finally want to open my own's bit a scary because I don't know a lot of art field and there are SO many things that I need to learn! I want to be a freelance artist and need all the support that I can get from you~

I'm currently accepting commissions and jobs. Manga is my strong field 2nd graphic design. Hopefully I can design your logo soon ;)

Just finished a contest from Deviant Art for Splice movie. At last minuet I've decided to go with "cute & comic" because I feel the theme is already kind of scary and bloody. I've created this creature called "Deerwabbit" He's a mix of deer & rabbit genes and he's running away from scientist with his needle!

I'm not looking nor hoping to get to finalist but it's a good practice and I really enjoyed a lot, hopefully I can get better and better each time I enter these contest. It will be NICE if I can win some cash, since I need to make some money for the long run >_<

LOL, I think I like this little creature very much, do you like him too? LOL, he's very cute!

I promise I'll write more often and if you liked my work please please leave your comment, or follow me ^_^ I really appreciated your support! Hopefully hear you soon.

Please kindly check my other work on my Deviant Art page:

Thanks~~ and have a great Memorial weekend for those of you in U.S. <3 <3.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Itouch you-Digital Painting

Finally! It's been long long time since I post anything in here... since I'm more concentrated on Sir Mao Mao blog :P

I finished this drawing last night and I like this is one of my favorite drawings! I really liked how it turned out...even though I should've photoshoped's OKAY :) I like it!

Still thinking should I attend the Anime Expo in California in July or Expo in Orlando Florida? Hmm, I have not decided yet...also kinda scary because I do not have a lot of thing to show or to sell @_@ I did everything digitally and do not know where to print it out to make poster or post cards :(
Anyone out there any some ideas that can share with me? Can anyone share their Expo experience? I'm really curious to find out how did you guys do it? What should I look after, any expectations?

If you don't mind please share it with me, I really appreciated!

Okay, back to the subject, the drawing is called "ItouchU" what happens is the guy is thinking about his lover who went to heaven (sad story....I know), and it seems like she was touching him in some way and made him cry. :( Yeah...I think this is the longest drawing I ever done... took me 5 months to finish (-_0)

LOL, anyway, I'm currently working on a video project, if you're interested please go visit : if you liked any of my video in youtube (sirmaomao) please subscribe or comment. That really encourages me to do better, yeah? Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3