Thursday, October 7, 2010

Murakami Versailles

Murakami Versailles

One of my favorite artist Takashi Murakami is having an exhibition in Versailles Paris. The works and the layout with Versailles are very unique…from looking at the pictures I feel the total harmony in it. Even though one is modern and one is very classical styles! I really liked Murakami’s art, I was one of the person collecting his LV purse! hahaha, yeah, I got little purse and a small bag BUT I’m very happy that I got.

Mr. Murakami said something about this exhibition:

“For a Japanese like me, the Château de Versailles is one of the greatest symbols of Western history. It is the emblem of an ambition for elegance, sophistication and art that most of us can only dream of.
Of course, we are aware that the spark that set fire to the powder of the Revolution came directly from the centre of the building.

But, in many respects, everything is transmitted to us as a fantastic tale coming from a very distant kingdom. Just as French people can find it hard to recreate in their minds an accurate image of the Samurai period, the history of this palace has become diminished for us in reality.
So it is probable that the Versailles of my imagination corresponds to an exaggeration and a transformation in my mind so that it has become a kind of completely separate and unreal world. That is what I have tried to depict in this exhibition.
I am the Cheshire cat that welcomes Alice in Wonderland with its diabolic smile, and chatters away as she wanders around the Château.
With a broad smile I invite you all to discover the wonderland of Versailles.”

Takashi Murakami

Well, the exhibition is running currently running and it will end at Dec. 12th, 2010. If you happened to be in Paris, please visit there and… oh, please bring some souvenir for me will ya?:)   

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Illustration thoughts

I was suppose to post my work in here at least once or twice a week but I failed -_-
I should take the most of blame because lack of motivation...not that I don't like to draw but too much going on in my life >_< Oh well, who doesn't?

Thought I should keep my promise... it's for my own good! Oh yeah, I found a wonderful program called Illustudio! It's combining Photoshop, SAI and Managa Studio! I can't wait to try it xD

This is Moon. She's an adorable girl with an amazing ability! She should save the world! xD Well, I'm still working on my first manga, hopefully I can get started draft soon ^^ Cool guys + cute girl = AWESOMENESS!  :P

Thank you~~