Saturday, September 25, 2010

Illustration - Love with no reservation

Just finished an illustration fro our church's Home New cover. We have this publication since 1969.. it's been there for long time :)

Members will write various articles about bible, life and health related issues and we publish on quarterly basis. This issue's theme is "Love with no reservation"
So I was thinking to find some simple clip art then put it there... but I couldn't find anything fits my thought, so I drew a picture.

Not sure if anyone will notice these details but.. it's my intention to tell people;
The white lily symbolized purity of God's love, and under the lily there is a hen/bird.. whatever it looks like.. xD and chicks hiding under her wings.

There are seven chicks, again, symbolize perfect. Also if you look the white lily from far, you'll see a cross's God :)

Well, I hope they will like it. I'm kind of nervous that they will say something like "childish" or "Too cartoonish.. not serious enoug..."... Oh boy, I hope not. >_<

I really liked this... this is my favorite! Hope you like it too!