Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photomanipulation: Sir Mao the Fur Knight

Hellllooooo guys how are you all doing?

Thank God that Irene didn't come to Florida BUT I felt sad for all other States who got hit by Hurricane Irene. :( I really hope people are all okay there, my prayers to you all~

Never lose courage nor faith, you know that Mao Mao the Fur Knight from Kingdom of Charm will protect your heart from evil!

This is the FIRST ever photomanipulation that I ever done! I followed an online tutorial because I SO wanted to learn how to do this, and the ONLY way to learn is to DO IT BY YOURSELF! So, I found a very good website: http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/design/photo-manipulation-tutorials/ which offers plenty of tutorials on photomanipulation. I'm going to start my 2nd assignment and hopefully I'll finish by Sunday and WILL share with you guys <3 <3

You can download this full version on my art page: Marlinx Deviant Art page 

What do you guys think? I hope you liked it. I still can see little flaws here and there BUT I am very happy that I finished something and created some wonderful work for Mao Mao. He does looked real right? :D

I had to do some adjustment on the horse, because there was a "knight" sitting on the horse...LOL I had to "erase" the knight SPECIALLY his leg! Remember Mao Mao don't have a leg >_<

Also I adjusted brightness and contrast... I didn't like the light blue in the tutorial SO, I made it darker to have some dark feeling...yup, Mao Mao is GOING TO KILLS THE EVIL DRAGON! xD

I'm thinking my next project...hmm, I think I'm going to make an old attic with some antique toys and of course Mao Mao will be playing toys...with lights and smokes ( shall I say dust? O_O ). Wooo... I ca't wait to start now!

Ok, there is something that I need to spit out! I can't hold it any longer! ARRRRHHHH!
What is it????????? I'm going to have my own online store! *phew* I said it! xD

I'm still setting up websites and merchandises, when I the store is finally ready I'll let you know and PLEASEEEEE buy something from my store..LOL ^^ Joking! You don't have to buy unless you want to :P

Ok guys, thank you for reading my blog...when have time please visit my other blog :Cute mao mao
Have a great Wednesday <3

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