Sunday, March 18, 2012

Amigurumi No8 Puppy WIP

 Amigurumi Crochet No 8 Puppy 
I wanted to use this yarn to make a Golden Retriever puppy, I thought the color will be close to the real Golden Retriever :) This was my first time to try to dye my yarns. Using Compulsion to dye..however I felt that it was not successful :S Why? Because all the fur shrunk after I dye...and it was not fluffy at all when it is finally dried. :( I saw other pro ami masters dye their own yarns and all their yarns looked fluffy and furry. :S I don't know what went wrong in the process *sigh* I guess I have to dye more in order to find out.
Anyway, here is the preview of the head and body ;P Hopefully these fur balls will evolve into a cute kawaii puppy ^^

Don't you think this looked like Golden Retriever fur? :D

Another angle...I really liked this yarn, hopefully I can dye in tea color soon.

I got 2 online shops at this moment and if you liked my collectibles, you may purchase directly from my shops: Etsy (store name: sirmaomao) & Storenvy (store name: ruruvictoria), thank you SO much for supporting me and I know I need it....a lot!!

I want to show few nice pictures of Mao Mao pictures that I took at my brother's house. They went to Holland last year and bought coo-coo clock. It's a very nice clock and I placed Mao Mao in there. He actually fit in that place...hahah
Here are few pictures...

Mao Mao! On top of the world! :D

Mao is looking at you!
Just came back from Youth Fair... it was the worst Youth Fair that I've been to. Raining raining and more rain. I don't like wet, sticky weather -_- I'll post more about the things that I purchased there <3
Take care everyone and have a great Weekend!

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