Friday, July 29, 2011

Bath time - Mao Mao Comic

Hi guys!
Long time no action, haha I know I know!!  I've been very busy and didn't have time to do my favorite thing which is drawing! Finally I finished my first ever comic strip phew boy it was much difficult than I thought.

At first I thought it was easy, right... Just draw 4 little squares and then you're done. WRONG! It took me whole 30 mins thinking how to end this story, then another hour to finish sketch and color. I didn't finish the whole thing till tonight, hurray! ^_^

Well, this is my first try to make a comic out of Mao Mao OR anything. I might expand more character but for now it's the little girl ( no name yet! ) and naughty Mao.

If you find it funny or worth reading please drop me a note and let me know, this will give me great courage to continue, of course I will try to improve whatever is lacking but support and show some love?
LOL Thank you SO much for reading my blog and comic.

Please visit my other blog:
and Deviant Art page:

Bath Time

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