Friday, July 29, 2011

Bath time - Mao Mao Comic

Hi guys!
Long time no action, haha I know I know!!  I've been very busy and didn't have time to do my favorite thing which is drawing! Finally I finished my first ever comic strip phew boy it was much difficult than I thought.

At first I thought it was easy, right... Just draw 4 little squares and then you're done. WRONG! It took me whole 30 mins thinking how to end this story, then another hour to finish sketch and color. I didn't finish the whole thing till tonight, hurray! ^_^

Well, this is my first try to make a comic out of Mao Mao OR anything. I might expand more character but for now it's the little girl ( no name yet! ) and naughty Mao.

If you find it funny or worth reading please drop me a note and let me know, this will give me great courage to continue, of course I will try to improve whatever is lacking but support and show some love?
LOL Thank you SO much for reading my blog and comic.

Please visit my other blog:
and Deviant Art page:

Bath Time

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm bacl from vacation

Hi Guys! I'm finally back from my  vacation.
Well, I'm still tired and trying to recover from the trip, I'm just writing to let you know that I haven't forget about drawing nor updating blogs...just I'm way to tired to do anything so, SORRY >_<

I think next week I'll be able to start writing and sharing some interesting things that happened during my trip :) Lots of love guys and see you next week!

It's been raining all day... I felt sad in raining days =_= Take care guys <3