Monday, July 12, 2010


Hello everyone,

Here is one of my previous illustration " Midnight".
I was trying to draw something simple; maybe a face with a simple dark background, but I followed Mr. Liang Yue's advice; "If you don't have any concept, just continue with the flow, you might liked the end result. Follow your fingers..."
and I did... I must say it turned out not as bad as I thought.

I used this tool called "Pen Tool SAI" Is a very popular drawing application in Japan. Widely used among professional and amateur illustrators. I found this program has the smoothest line among other programs such as Painter or Photoshop. I often use this application in between Painters or just simply creating  illustrations from there.

Midnight is a practice drawing because at the time I was coloring I didn't have any idea about what kind of drawing I'm going to create. Unlike other illustrators they got layout, sketches and lines ready. @_o I guess I should learn from these experts because it's easier.

I'm thinking to start my portfolio. I've realized that I need to make bigger drawings. This was a problem for me, since I'm creating drawings digitally I had NO idea about the size. BUT, after saw many experienced artists, I got a rough idea what to create and how (thanks to Youtube).

:) Hopefully I can start drawing soon, I'll try my best... LOL after practice my songs I will *wink wink*

Thanks and see you soon~~

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