Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Just finished a sketch tonight, I didn't have time to color it but thought it's a good idea to post this in the blog.
I tried a new style this time, I think I like it very much! I just need to work on girl face now @_@ I wanted to draw cute girls, instead of "pretty" girls O__O I think this will be a challenge for me :)

I really liked the concept of two people "almost" kissing...I like this pose very much! Heheheh.
Just hope tomorrow I won't ruin the whole composition...oh geesh -_-.

I'm still thinking; should I post this sketch to Deviant art page? I'm not sure but I guess I'll do it tomorrow then. It's way too late to post it anyway (specially on school day xD).

Well, Hopefully this will be my future post card series. :) LOVE series... for Valentine's day.. wow, is near isn't it? <3 <3

Hopefully I have time to make enough and get ready for it :)
Untill I finish this drawing, enjoy it :) If you want to color it, you're welcome to download it but remember to link me back so I can enjoy your nice coloring too! :)


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