Saturday, December 12, 2009

Graphic Illustration projects

My Gallery

For past few week I've been working for graphic illustration & character creation for a company who needed illustrations for their website.

I must said I had a great time creating something from scratch!

Wanna share some of the sketches that I did for one illustration. I must said that I have strange way to create characters. First of all the first few drawings are always not good! O__O

All my good drawings came in 2nd day or later.... this is my first day sketch, trying to sketch like these:

I was trying to keep the originality and likeness in the drawing, even they asked for kinda caricature/cartoon style.

Later on, I want to play around with the character, so I drew him like "Harry Potter" :)

Since I've never draw anything like caricature, it's a challenge for me! I must say this project is fun and challenging!

2nd day I came up with something totally different, which is this: :D LOL!!! Isn't he cute or what? This was created after extensive discussion with the Dept Manager and I came up with this form AND he said "OK". Phew it was relief ^___^

Since this picture belongs to the company, I'll post it later on after I get permission from them so stay tune! Remember to visit my gallery often ^^

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