Saturday, December 19, 2009

Candy girl(revised) version

I have uploaded the final version of my "candy girl".
Finally I can say that I like this version much better than the previous one because I did some modification on her face :)
I must say the turn out is quiet pleasing and I uploaded to several art sites that I have hopefully this will be liked by many people :)

Yep, today is my birthday and I'm getting ready to go out soon... having fun with family and a great dinner. Wish I have the energy to stay till this evening..hahaha.

I'm thinking to make a tutorial for "how to draw hairs" but I haven't have time to take screen shot yet, maybe I can do that tonight or tomorrow. Well stay tune to find out more, because I'll post it in my gallery soon!

Have a great day guys!

Happy Birthday Gift from me

Hello guys, this is something that I finished for my Birthday gift! Yes, I draw to me! :)
Since I got declined from an Anime club, I felt discouraged drawing...I couldn't believe that my drawing was identified as "unfinished" or "rushed" or even " you could submit something better" while other ugly drawings was posted in the club gallery.

I felt that there is unfairness and favortism going on in the club. What kind of standard they are running? Maybe I shouldn't or needless to join a club like that in the first place...hmm... maybe I should leave the club, yeah I think I'm going to do that! D:

Here is the drawing that I finished today, It was so easy to draw and in order to prove that I'm as good as them... here it is my anime/manga style of drawing, hope you like it.

Oh well, life goes on, I shall continue to draw and improve AND ignore those people who don't know about styles. LOL.. have a great one guys.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Candy Girl

Finally I've finished this drawing! It took me looong enough to draw her hair. I've drawn 7 different hairs and none of them fit her face, geeesh I was at a point to give up!

Finally I finished with a hair that fit her but I wasn't too happy about it, oh weel I guess I have to keep thinking and maybe change it later on :)

Well, now you have chance to enjoy the "candy girl"...isn't she like a candy? Yummy~

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Candy Girl-WIP

I've been working on this for 2 days and it's in final stage! BUT, I don't know her hair style yet!!! >_<
Usually I have good idea what to do with hair style but this time with this Candy Girl...uhm... I have no idea, therefore I stopped drawing. Maybe tomorrow I have good idea about her hair..LOL.

This is a SS for you... her eyes turned out pretty okay ^^

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yes! Just my best wishes to you and your family in this holiday season.
What you going to do for Christmas? :) May all your dreams come true!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Graphic Illustration projects

My Gallery

For past few week I've been working for graphic illustration & character creation for a company who needed illustrations for their website.

I must said I had a great time creating something from scratch!

Wanna share some of the sketches that I did for one illustration. I must said that I have strange way to create characters. First of all the first few drawings are always not good! O__O

All my good drawings came in 2nd day or later.... this is my first day sketch, trying to sketch like these:

I was trying to keep the originality and likeness in the drawing, even they asked for kinda caricature/cartoon style.

Later on, I want to play around with the character, so I drew him like "Harry Potter" :)

Since I've never draw anything like caricature, it's a challenge for me! I must say this project is fun and challenging!

2nd day I came up with something totally different, which is this: :D LOL!!! Isn't he cute or what? This was created after extensive discussion with the Dept Manager and I came up with this form AND he said "OK". Phew it was relief ^___^

Since this picture belongs to the company, I'll post it later on after I get permission from them so stay tune! Remember to visit my gallery often ^^

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wacom & Deviant Art "Dream" contest

Just finished my "dream" contest for Wacom & Deviant Art last night! Phew! What an challenge! :)
Yup in these drawings I put a lot of my dreams and wishes and hopefully they like my drawings. :)

Please visit my gallery and subscribe my blog! Later on I'll be giving FREE Tutorial on Digital Painting & How to draw Manga for my subscribers ONLY. SO, connect to me, jajaja.

In the future I'm going to write "how to..." series in the blog so stayed tuned!