Monday, September 28, 2009


Hi guys,
I just finished this drawing! Well I finished lines & sketches like a week ago didn't have the time to color it till tonight.

I still don't like the way of the highlight on the hair, but I DO like her lips, I'm getting the feel now! Haha.

Hopefully in time I can improve other parts such as eyes, hair and mask, yeah! MASK!
I have hard time to figure it out how to use mask in photoshop anyone care to share? :(

Oh well, Imma go check out my text book from school and find out *wink wink*

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Pet

I just love this little thing! It's my little pet...I take it everywhere I go! :)
People say artists are little bit crazy I think it's true! LOL... Think about these animation artists O_o

Thursday, September 24, 2009


So glad to have my art blog now, hopefully this blog will bloom in time :) I'll try to make this blog as personalized as much as I can...yay...excited!